Thursday, June 19, 2014

Brileigh's 1st Birthday Party

We had Brileigh's birthday party on June 7th (her actual birthday is the 11th). I started planning her party in March. I knew I wanted to do pink girly. The invitation was the 1st thing I picked out and then just we from there. I think everything turned out beautifully and I couldn't have done it without the help of my mom.
The flower arrangements were peonies and mint and smelled amazing

My 1 year photo
Dave's 1 year photo

Love love love the way the cake turned out

Hat, bib and banner via Etsy

Brileigh's monthly photos

# 1 cookies as a thank you for coming to the party

Holden, Brileigh and Carson

The birthday girl!

GB and Brileigh

Mommy and Brileigh

Mommy, Brileigh and Daddy

She liked the cake and really didn't get that messy with it.

GB, Brileigh and Paw Paw Steve

KK, Brileigh and Poppa Bill

Brileigh and her Great Grandmother Maycle. It was her birthday!

Our party of five

Mimi, Brileigh and Paw

Brileigh with her cousins and brother

We had such a great time and Brileigh did really well at her party. She is super shy and I wasn't sure how she would handle that many people but she did great. I can't believe a year has gone by.

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