Brileigh now has 6 teeth. I'm actually taking her to the dentist tomorrow because she has an extra tooth(or something) coming in behind one of her other teeth. So we are going to have it checked out.
Things Brileigh is doing:
- Crawl crawl crawl
- Pulls up on everything and cruises the furniture
- She loves to walk behind her walkers
- She is my best eater yet... she pretty much eats anything and a lot of it. Some of her favorites are chicken and fruit
- She is currently only nursing 1 time a day. She has pretty much weaned herself.
- Thanks to some sleep training she is now starting to sleep all night long
- She adores her brothers and thinks they are so funny.
- She is still very shy and doesn't like to be around people she doesn't know
- She is still a mama's girl
- Loves to play peek-a-boo
- Still sucks her thumb and sleeps with her bunny lovies