Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Deepest Sender Test

This is a test post from a firefox extension called "Deepest Sender". It allows me to post to the blog from inside of firefox. Well, here it goes...

It worked! I am now editing from the extension.

Now that I have this working, I'll go ahead and make this a true post.

Yesterday I stopped by Concord Auto Body on my way to work to get an estimate on my car for the repairs necessary after my little accident. Total cost...(drumroll)...$820 (most of which is labor). Dayum, good thing for insurance. It's amazing how a little damage really adds up. So on Monday of next week, I'll drop my car off for a few days so they can fix it.

I'm going to step up onto my political soapbox for a moment here. I find it sad how the so called "religion of peace" is rioting out of control over cartoons of Muhammed. Now, I do understand that creating images of him is forbidden in the Koran, violent riots is no way to handle the situation. The truly unfortunate part of this is that it is the radical Islamists doing the rioting, which is the minority of Islamists. The minority is ruling the majority, making headlines and giving them a bad name (hmm...sounds familiar [cough] Ted Kennedy [cough] John Kerry [cough]). I believe that Islam is truly a "religion of peace", but the radicals are out of control. I hope this opens peoples eyes to the fact that we need to change the hearts and minds of the radical types, or this will never end. If we can't change their hearts and minds, well, war will result because that is the only language they understand. If that's what it takes to make the world a safer place, then so be it. To those of you who serve in the military and protect this country and world, thank you. I could not do what you are doing, and I am grateful for your service.

Another thing that bothers me about all of this is the fact that if Jesus or God are made fun of in some way, it's not a problem, heck it's just accepted, yet when all of this happened, CNN wouldn't show the cartoons that were causing the problem because they are sensitive to their religion. Here's another article to enjoy. Ughhh...my head asplode.

I'm going to step off of my soapbox now, and get back to work.

And as I promised, a link to enjoy...

The always classy Kevin Federline

Why I love Conan

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