Tuesday, February 28, 2006

What a weekend

This weekend, Brittany and I went to Columbia, MO for my fraternity's Founder's Day celebration. We took my brother along with us so that he could meet the guys in the house and see if he would be interested in joining since he will be there in the fall. Well, we partied, we had a great time, and my brother ended up signing the fraternity. So all in all, it was a great weekend.

Baseball season is upon us. I am so freakin' excited I can hardly hold it in. They have their first Grapefruit League game on March 2nd. Most importantly, opening day is on April 10th. I cannot wait to be there for that.

Today is Mardi Gras, Fat Tuesday, whatever you want to call it. I'm not sure what I'll be doing, but I'm sure it will be exciting!!!!

We had an exciting afternoon at work today. A garbage truck caught fire and part of it exploded! I was in the bathroom and I thought someone drove into the office, but it was the explosion. No one was hurt and there was no damage besides the truck. The fire department showed up to put out the fire, the street was closed off, it was quite exciting.

Well, I'm going to wrap up this incredibly boring post and give you a link...

Link Of The Day

Friday, February 17, 2006

Cheney's Got a Gun

<sarcasm> I'm not sure if anyone else saw this story earlier this week, but apparently Vice-President Dick Cheney was hunting and shot a fellow hunter right in the face! Can you believe that, what kind of idiot shoot someone in the face with a shotgun when hunting birds? Birds are in the air and humans are on the ground! </sarcasm>

I finally got my car back yesterday after having it repaired from my accident. All I can say is thank God for insurance. Final total: $1100. Sweet Jebus! There was hardly any damage. Oh well, only cost me $500.

We bought a dining room table and 6 chairs on Tuesday. Bassett Furniture had a big President's Day sale. 50% off most expensive item, and 30% off everything else. Speaking of Tuesday, I believe it was Valentine's Day. I sent Brittany flowers at her work, then we enjoyed a dinner at Maggiano's Little Italy. That place was fantastic, everything was awesome except for the house salad. If you don't like bleu cheese, I would stay away from the house salad.

Let me tell you why NBC is screwing up the Olympics. There coverage is crappy and they are showing things that are about as exciting as doing your taxes. Ski, Ski, Ski, Ski, Stop, Shoot, Ski, Ski, Ski, ZZZZZZZZZZZ. Come on, stick to snowboarding, downhill, moguls and events with excitement. Also, the cut-ins to talk about things every 5 minutes become very annoying. I also saw that good ol' Joe Micheletti will be doing some men's hockey coverage.

And now teh funnay...

Silly Reporter
(Clip is safe, but the site may be NSFW)

Friday, February 10, 2006

Breaking News

Writer's Block Party

Well, nothing crazy going on in the news, nothing new and exciting for me or my wife to report on...what thrilling people we are.

I did become aware that I had a setting turned on that required you to have a blogger account to post comments. I turned that off so that anyone can post comments, even anonymously. I do ask that you not do that though. If you're going to post a comment, say who you are. If I don't like/agree with a comment and it is anonymous, I will remove it. If I don't like/agree with a comment and you say who you are, I will leave it.

In the news of things that matter to me, I am (again) attempting to learn how to play the guitar. I have a different approach this time. Instead of starting with the basics and numbing my head with simple chords and the such, I have picked two songs to learn, one easy and one more difficult. I have chosen Extreme's "More Than Words" and Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven". More than words seems pretty easy and repetitive, I'm pretty confident about that one, and Stairway is easy enough in parts and repetitive enough that I'm hoping I can get through the difficult parts and learn it.

I cannot come up with anything else to talk about, I'm either boring or it's writer's block. Oh wait, it's Friday and I'm ready for the weekend.

And now for the link...


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Oh yeah, it's still winter

As I speak, the snow continues to fall. Mr. Weatherman said 1/2". He was so close, I'd say it's up to about 2". I wish I could get paid to guess. (Note: I respect weathermen. It is a tough job based upon science that comes down to estimation. There's no way of knowing what God will do with the weather.) I shouldn't really complain about the weather, this is the first time this winter it's really been cold for an extended period of time.

In response to the events that took place at the Coretta Scott King funeral, shame on you Rev. Lowery and President Carter. What you did and said was a classless act at a FUNERAL. I refuse to acknowledge any more of what you did. I would then be no better a person than either of you. R.I.P. Mrs. King, enjoy eternity with your husband. I also offer my prayers and condolences to the King family.

I don't really have anything else to say today, so I will give you a link to enjoy. (By the way, this is going to be difficult to do every single time I post.)

Interesting facts about Chuck Norris

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Deepest Sender Test

This is a test post from a firefox extension called "Deepest Sender". It allows me to post to the blog from inside of firefox. Well, here it goes...

It worked! I am now editing from the extension.

Now that I have this working, I'll go ahead and make this a true post.

Yesterday I stopped by Concord Auto Body on my way to work to get an estimate on my car for the repairs necessary after my little accident. Total cost...(drumroll)...$820 (most of which is labor). Dayum, good thing for insurance. It's amazing how a little damage really adds up. So on Monday of next week, I'll drop my car off for a few days so they can fix it.

I'm going to step up onto my political soapbox for a moment here. I find it sad how the so called "religion of peace" is rioting out of control over cartoons of Muhammed. Now, I do understand that creating images of him is forbidden in the Koran, violent riots is no way to handle the situation. The truly unfortunate part of this is that it is the radical Islamists doing the rioting, which is the minority of Islamists. The minority is ruling the majority, making headlines and giving them a bad name (hmm...sounds familiar [cough] Ted Kennedy [cough] John Kerry [cough]). I believe that Islam is truly a "religion of peace", but the radicals are out of control. I hope this opens peoples eyes to the fact that we need to change the hearts and minds of the radical types, or this will never end. If we can't change their hearts and minds, well, war will result because that is the only language they understand. If that's what it takes to make the world a safer place, then so be it. To those of you who serve in the military and protect this country and world, thank you. I could not do what you are doing, and I am grateful for your service.

Another thing that bothers me about all of this is the fact that if Jesus or God are made fun of in some way, it's not a problem, heck it's just accepted, yet when all of this happened, CNN wouldn't show the cartoons that were causing the problem because they are sensitive to their religion. Here's another article to enjoy. Ughhh...my head asplode.

I'm going to step off of my soapbox now, and get back to work.

And as I promised, a link to enjoy...

The always classy Kevin Federline

Why I love Conan

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Neo then Posted by Picasa

Trinity then Posted by Picasa

Our cats now Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 03, 2006

Par for the course

Judging by the way the last couple of weeks has gone, not posting for a couple of weeks is simply par for the course. Where to begin...

First off, my accident. That's right, I was involved in a little "fender bender". No one was hurt, and the damage was minimal. It happened merging northbound onto highway 141 from I-44. Since not everything is done with the accident (estimates, repair, etc.) I will not divulge any more information than I already have.

The 60 hour work weeks are over, YEAH!! Back to a normal schedule where I don't feel completely wiped out all the time. Unfortunately, due to the increased work load, I got off of my workout schedule, and I haven't been eating very healthy either. I haven't been living off of fast food or anything, but I could definitely do better.

The most exciting development is the last couple of weeks has to be our trip to Australia and New Zealand. We sat down with my parents and brother and worked out a possible itinerary for the trip. Holy crap. It is going to be a non-stop, action packed vacation with everything from white water rafting and jet boating to climbing the Sydney Harbour Bridge and taking a hot-air balloon ride. We are so excited.

I am currently contemplating returning to school. And not for anything computer related. I am considering getting a degree in Psychology. I am incredibly interested in it, and I think I would really enjoy it. I have a lot more research to do before I make that decision though. Amongst other things, there is a possible job opportunity that might sway things. Details about that will come at another time.

Well, lunch time is over. Back to work.

I think whenever I finish a post, I'm going to link to something I found to be funny, interesting, and/or entertaining. So, to start things off...

"Lazy Sunday"