Wednesday, March 12, 2014

9 Months Old


Brileigh is now 9 months old. She weighs 18lbs 11oz (60%)  and 28 inches (65%). She has by far been my most difficult baby. The Doctor said she is high maintenance. She cries a lot and she only wants her mommy. She really doesn't care for other people and absolutely doesn't want them to hold her, this even includes daddy. Brileigh still wont take a bottle so I'm stuck feeding her every four hours. She no longer has to take medicine for her reflux which is nice and I was able to add dairy back into my diet. She still need some Mira-lax to go #2. Brileigh still isn't sleeping through the night, but she knows how to put herself to sleep. The past couple weeks she has been doing a 6 hour stretch sometimes a little longer.

Here is what her schedule is like:
Gets up between 7-7:30
Nurses then eats breakfast (1 jar baby food)
Takes nap 1 between 9:30-10
Gets up between 11-12
Nurses and has lunch (1 jar baby food)
Takes 2nd nap between 1:30-2:30
Gets up around 4 and nurses
Has dinner around 6 (1 jar baby food)
Nurses around 8 and goes to bed
Gets up once to nurse in the middle of the night

Here are some other things she is doing:
Army crawling everywhere
Getting up on all fours and rocking, she should be officially crawling anytime now.
She has started pulling up on things into the standing position. 
Sounds she is making: baby, baba. mama, dada, gaga
Still not really interested in the sippy cup
Got her 2nd tooth

Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Brileigh's Nursery

We finally got around to finishing Brileigh's nursery. It took a really long time because my furniture took almost 4 months to get delivered, it came 2 days before I gave birth. Originally, the nightstand and mirror were pink but when they came it look peach. I had to deal with the store whom I bought it from who had to deal with the company they order from. I think Brileigh was 6 weeks old before I got everything back. I really have to thank Dave for making my vision a reality. He spent many hours adding the beadboard and painting everything. I love the way it turned out. I knew I needed something with the color green in it because I wanted to use the chair that I had gotten for Carson's nursery. I also new I really wanted pink and yellow to go along with the green. Once I found bedding that I liked I went from there. I really wanted a Jenny Lind crib but I didn't just want it white so I researched painting cribs and got all in info and asked Dave if he would do it for me. I think it turned out beautiful.