Thursday, July 14, 2011

Holden 9 months

Holden turned 9 months old on July 4th. He just had his checkup on Wednesday the 13th. He is doing great. He weighed 18 lbs 5 oz (13%) and was 30 inches long (91%). I think they are off on is length I think he is only 28 inches. Here is what he is currently doing.

He has been crawling since he was seven months so he is very fast at it now.
He cruses the furniture and loves to use his walking toy.
He loves to climb the stairs.
He has two teeth and two more that are about to break through.
He plays peek-a-boo.
He gives kisses, mainly to his brother.
He waves bye bye.
He is a very happy boy and it always smiling.
He loves his brother, Carson. Carson can always make him laugh.
He sleeps 10 hours at night and does two naps a day.
He is nursing 4 times a day and eats 3 meals normally one jar at each feeding.
He has also started liking to watch Yo Gabba Gabba.

4th of July

We had our 2nd annual gathering at our house for the 4th of July. When we moved into our house a little over a year ago our neighbor told us that we had a great view of the fireworks from the park near our house, boy was he right. It is so nice to not have to fight traffic and crowds to watch fireworks. We had family over and shot off some fireworks of our own and then enjoyed some homemade ice cream while watching the fireworks show. I am sure we will continue this gathering for years to come. Here are some pictures from the evening.


So far our summer has been very busy. In a matter of six weeks we went to Florida twice. Our first trip was the beginning of May to Rosemary Beach Florida. I have been going to Florida every year since before Carson was born with my mom. Now that there are some many children it has turned into a family affair. This year it was my mom, step-dad, my family and my sister and her two boys. We stay house a few 100 feet from the beach that has a pool. Here are a couple of pictures of the house and the view.

This is the third year we have stayed at Rosemary and the second year we have stayed in this house. It is such a fun time. We spend the day between the beach and the pool and every night we go out to dinner. Most nights after dinner we end up at the kids favorite place the Sugar Shack. The name says it all they have all kids of candy, ice cream, snow cones and cotton candy. The weather was perfect and because we go before school is out it isn't crowded. We had a wonderful vacation and it is always nice to spend time with family. We can't wait for next year to do it again. Here are a few more pictures from our trip.

On our second trip to Florida was at the end of June to Panama City Beach with my dad, step-mom and Dave's parents. Once again we were very lucky and had great weather. We enjoyed our days hanging out by the beach. The water was wonderful the first day and then the rest of our trip was lots of seaweed and red flags. I had quite a few first on this trip. 1. I have never seen the waves in this are so big, it was great for boogie boarding. 2. I caught a starfish, it was really neat. 3. Dave and I went para-sailing. I thought I would be scared with the height but it was actually very calming. We saw some big fish swimming in the water. We had a lot of fun and enjoyed spending time with family. Here are some pictures from this trip.