Holden turned 9 months old on July 4th. He just had his checkup on Wednesday the 13th. He is doing great. He weighed 18 lbs 5 oz (13%) and was 30 inches long (91%). I think they are off on is length I think he is only 28 inches. Here is what he is currently doing.
He has been crawling since he was seven months so he is very fast at it now.
He cruses the furniture and loves to use his walking toy.
He loves to climb the stairs.
He has two teeth and two more that are about to break through.
He plays peek-a-boo.
He gives kisses, mainly to his brother.
He waves bye bye.
He is a very happy boy and it always smiling.
He loves his brother, Carson. Carson can always make him laugh.
He sleeps 10 hours at night and does two naps a day.
He is nursing 4 times a day and eats 3 meals normally one jar at each feeding.
He has also started liking to watch Yo Gabba Gabba.