Sunday, August 16, 2009

18 Months

Carson is now 18 months old and a lot has happened since last month:

Carson saw his first musical Dora Live. He really enjoyed it.
Carson also went to his first concert to see the Wiggles, which he loved.
He got his first haircut and he was so good, he didn't move around at all.
Learned to swim with water wings. He took to it the minute I put him in the water.

Carson had his 18 month check up on Friday he weighed 23lb 4oz (16th percentile) and is 33.5 inches tall (83rd percentile). His vocabulary has really expanded this past month. He is using over 20 words and is starting to put 2 words together. It is so great that he is able to communicate with Dave and I, it makes things so much easier. Physically Carson is also doing well. He can run, jump, climb, throw and walk backwards. I can't believe in 6 months he will be two. Time goes by so fast when you have children.